The eye sheds light on the topic. The natural colors of things are seen by the eye, making it as a guide of what is correct and not is key. Nothing is wrong with jpegs and Raw files. What is correct is what the eye can see and prefer to see.

RAW FILES gives flexibility and bending of reality in terms of color perception and tones. The sun can only do so much , your flash and light strobes can only do so much. RAW files can make you bend all these things. Give thanks to technology it became easy.

Jpegs are the nearest to what you can see and some people prefer jpegs to lessen the possibility of changing the captured photo. It is like if you fucked up that moment is fucked up. IF you got that moment right you got that moment right. It is a game of chance for me.

The naturalist might prefer jpegs for a film negative is not natural to the eye what is natural is what you can see. Some RAW files can be processed to look like a better jpeg file but the question is how much can your eye make things in focus? it is the eye that guides the preference.

creativity in raw though makes the art. Documentalist prefer the body of photos rather than the photo individually, the artist prefer the beauty of illusions that a photo can create rather than the original photo captured. they shoot RAW so they can process it and create something catered to their individuality.