I was planning to buy a d500 again as said in my previous blog posts but time and money ended me up on buying a d3500 entry level camera. Its a good camera and I have produced good photos with entry level bodies. I guess I would just endure this phase again till I get professional bodies for professional work. Waiting and patience.

From D3400 during my Pinoypap days to D3500 for ???? Who knows.. Street or maybe some sports??
Due to Covid 19 situation raising up to 8000 this march 2021 going out to do street photography is a hassle. The risk of getting infected is there and so staying near proximity to home is still the best. Waiting till it goes down to 2000 then planning my trips will be back on my tasks.

This is my first exposure. The challenge is to isolate the subject in darkness and get them all in focus. I now set up the flash sb 910 and took another exposure.

At this point the arrangement was not still on check due to me just checking my exposures and relying on camera metering. I then arranged the gizmos to fit the look I want.

The shadows were harsh but the darkness I want was there. I then tried to arrange it and compose the camera better. I then exposed it normally with flash.

Thinking here I decided to point the flash on bounce on the table and covered the fill area with some reflective material.

ISO 100
Flash 1/1
Slightly overexposed I got this photo overpowering the background was slightly achieved. Now I decided to lower the intensity of the light from the flash to do the trick.

ISO 100
Flash 1/32
Now I got the subject exposed and the background dark a little post processing shall do the trick .
This was the look I was looking for but if you have a good Black backdrop then that would be much easier but that is the essence of photography do fun things.
FYI this is me just trying to find things to post .. COVID 19 sucks… Promise to do another d3500 test on social and active settings.

Tweak the contrast based on your liking .. 🙂 I would like to express my photographs in ways that is not usual. The vintage feel seems cool, let us lower the saturation. Playing with saturation and curves is fun.