Flamenco ano dos Entrada En Febrero.

My Journey in flamenco is now entering the 2nd year. Mas ejercicios para Guitarras. I plan to study 2 new composers and 2 lessons before I make my repertio. After that I will do my performance in public por tres años en guitrras.

Composer and Guitarist I am looking to study for the 2nd year are .

1. Francisco Tarrega (Necesitas)
2. Ruben Diaz
3. Manolo Sancluar

Pieces for 2025 para Melodia y expresión for Summer

  1. Nocturne Fredric Chopin (Romantic Era)
  2. Caprice Arabico Tarrega (Romantic Era)
  3. Rumba Arrangement Etude Hochman Rumba (3 Chord progression arranged as etude) Contemporary.
  4. Hochman Flamenco Intermediate (arepeggio oriented piece) Contemporary.
  5. Solea

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