Press: 3/24/25 Notice to the Public: Non affiliation to any Rebel or Religious extrimist group in and on the world.

Dear Public and the world ,

I am Martin Joseph Abastillas ibn Lazaro II ibn Charles Abdullah De Belgica, I am here to state that I am not affiliated with any religious organization, extremist and Jihadists. My religion is Hinduism , Catholicism. I am not influencing any parts of the domain of the ayre , the heavens 1st and 2nd and mostly the 3rd with intention to harm, change or will any effect as a magus, magician or devotee of God. All my powers of influence in the spheres of the Kabbalah , sepiroths, realms, lokas, patalas and of similar nature are all by the permission of my deity , Shiva, guru :

Living gurus
Sri Mooji , Swami Nithyananda, Dr PIllai formerly as Dattatreya Siva Baba, Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath and Sadhguru. Peter J Carroll, Frater UD Michael W Ford.

Non Living ascended Ones
Patanjali , Thirumoolar , Shiva rudra, Lord Krsna , Yashua Vyasa, Bhairava , Lord Ganesha , Lord Kartikeya , Lord Visnu , Goddess Lakshmi.

Descended ones
Anton Lavey , Austin Osman Spare. ,

Reincarnated ones
Franz Bardon


All influence and powers are bound by the the guru system and magical initiatory system of Hermeticism and Tantric Yoga. Also by Laws of Manu and the powers of the Torah oral and written. The commandments and laws of the Church of Catholicism Vatican. All powers are subject to such authorities and powers.

I decree as a citizen of earth that my powers are to be only used by me only and for religious purposes, spiritual investigation , research and occultic reasons bound by the powers stated in the former paragraph.

I state this today 3/24/2025

All further inquiry , talk , investigation should be conducted personally by contacting me on my office and mobile number as provided with this letter.

Martin Joseph Abastillas ibn Lazaro II ibn Charles Abdullah Belgica

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