Japan Nihon…
A very interesting space on earth. A land full of culture and heritage leaping with technological force. Seeing Japan is like acquiring a cube. A land with different faces. My family went to Osaka, Nagoya and Kyoto. I being a very relaxed person, do not push forward towards something without the necessary training to perform tasks. Japan was a strong land to deal with and so my Nihongo was my downfall. Interesting people are Japanese people without a decent amount of Japanese words counts to me as not taking photographs based on the standards of the land, expect my photographs to be just a beginner level Nihon taking photos of a very advanced level Nihon. Japan is an advanced subject to tackle, I was not prepared to take it on and so we step back and see what can be photographed and what is the proper ways to capture Japan on a standard of a ‘BAKA’ (Idiot).
1st to tackle is the streets of Osaka Japan, Osaka is a lively place with a lot of infrastructure and interesting people, Osaka is a friendly place with a tint of modern living. We stayed at a building in Tanimachi 9 Chome with good air conditioning and a safe neighborhood. What you can do there is visit the night life and eat some good ramen.
Stores are also present if you are into shopping tech and Japanese items for consumption or to take back home as a tourist. Osaka nightlife is kinda shaded with the artificial lights of signs giving the vibe of a cultural phenomenon of strictly business in Osaka japan.

there are a lot of shops and bars inside Osaka Japan. In Tanimachi 9 Chome where I stayed it was quiet enough to sleep but when you want to party, be kinda loud(Not so much) and enjoy, the trains station is just around the corner where you can just ride to a near machi or town and have a go. Having friends in Japan is super required and is pleasurable for you can visit easily if you have the luxury of time and money.
Food in Osaka is delicious, I tried a ramen house with the family and enjoyed it very well, also some udon Yakisoba was sweet and superb.
Kyoto the samurai vibes, A very cool relaxed town in Kyoto Japan. People with kimono and also Bhuddist temples all over the place. It was a nice place to visit and have fun. To feel and experience the diverse religious beliefs of Japan from Shinto to Bhuddism and beyond, Kyoto must be on your list. The strict appearance of Kyoto and its people will be the testament of what Japan is. Experiencing the place makes you think of what the world really is.
The Bamboo forest of Kyoto japan is a place to take deep insight towards the beauty of nature. The natural parallel forms of the bamboo touched by the light of the heavens makes you turn towards the soul or the divine just being there.
What can I say about Nagoya Japan? Interesting people live in Nagoya, you will see a lot of cosplay, good food, gaming culture and a good marketplace. You can find everything in Nagoya Japan. Sadly we only stayed 2 nights in Nagoya but the place was kind of relaxing and home like.
The train stations in Japan is very effecient but due to my lack of Nihongo it is kinda confusing. The subway system is vast and impressive. Taking yourself all over japan is like just taking train rides to places. It is very fun but confusing. It is like a maze transferring from platform to platform and train to train. Having decent nihongo and knowing how to read kanji will make your trip much more fun.
Going back to Japan is a natural tendency. Studying their language adds the fun to Japan. Not knowing anything about their language is a big ‘NO’ due to the people not really answering back in english but in Nihongo. They have love and pride towards their own culture and preserving it is sensed. English speakers are found in Government establishments and Hotels but as for the people of Japan it is not in their mind I think or purposefully not their intention to start speaking English for Non-Japanese tourists. I do know they can speak English I can see it in their jaw, but I tell you they will not and that for me is a good thing.
Till next time