It's raining as of now and I think I am switching from Nikon to Panasonic due to emotional reasons. I have been using Nikon cameras for so long like from L22 Companct camera days. I think its time to let...Read More
[caption id="attachment_5000" align="alignnone" width="1707"] not my photo powered by[/caption]MY GOALS ON THIS WEBSITEMy goal on this site is to create a good profile and provide good photos for my website and share it here as a mode of scouting...Read More
What kind beer do you drink? Me I drink all types and kinds but my favorite of them all is the 'Super dry' brand of San Miguel unfortunately I didn't drink it this year because I no longer drink that...Read More
Majos Studios or MJB STUDIOS will be opening for work and collaborations at the 3rd quarter of the year 2023. Feel free to visit studio and look at what is being worked on or developed. Updates on studio progress will...Read More
I like Iced out stuff. I prefer to wear it always than expensive rolex. This is my watch bruised and used. Bling Master Watch old Bling Master Watch old2 Bling Master Watch old3 Bling Master Watch old4
The portals towards the parallel terra is to be finished when? The question is thus will it be done in this life time? A couple of pages studying occult science about portal and dimensional shifts will it contribute towards the...Read More