Today we are moving in a world of psychic disruption that the world of crooks and criminals are in a party frenzy moving about the nations of parallel terra. The communist socialist side and the liberal democrats. Up the field of its influence is the Islamic and Judaic world view, below is the crooked world of veil distortions.
The arts and sciences of the occult is widely used in the criminal underground as experienced and noted from newspapers and media publishing, recognizing this opens your eyes of a great deceptive trick that fascinates but also harms. Let us dive into invisibility.
We all heard about Goetic spirits granting invisibility and thy arts of notoria and orations that gives such abilities. In my meditation I did explore this for the purpose of a theory about teleportation that if teleportation is more of changing one self’s position unnoticed rather than really changing position can be the real phenomenon of teleportation. Object transferring from one point to another is teleportation. What if the transfer was not consciously seen then it is indeed teleporation. A trickery of the mind. I was always inspired by Derren brown about investigative thinking it is not magic it is a trick. On the Yogic side is how much trick can the brain produce that trickery is now in the scope of natural reality. North koreans for example. The yogic way points to the posibility of trick and new realities. A phenomenon worth investigating.