Detachment from my Photography Study


Doing photography seriously for 9 years ends up in attachment. Attachment in my practice of Yoga is encouraged but there is a concept called constant practice of detachment. Samadhi Pada 12.

“By constant, repeated practice by detachment these here cease to identify with.”
Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tan nirodah

In discovering the self the practice of seeing samsara or thought fluctiations as just disturbance to the self. Self identity becomes a part of life but not life itself. Constant practice of this leads to proper kriya Yoga.


Doing photography for years creates muscle memory and mind function based on the task of creating an image, this then creates a residue of attachment specially on images that has significant meaning and purpose. Doing tasks and deeds may it be appreciated or not leads to some degree of attachment and that attachment is kind of a false sense of the true self. The photographer is the identity created by this attachment. You are a photographer now because you have been doing yoga or kriya action towards creating an image. This by time tends to stick and creates a bulk of knowledge and wisdom that the self identitifies with. Detachment towards it is now a task as the same as making it your identity.

Letting go of my study of photography from value assesment, space and color calibration and bending ideas to create an image is kind of a challenge but not so much for the initiated. In todays time it is healthy to have some level of gross attachment for it resembles a healthy life and a form to see as others percieve you as an identity. Now, letting go of all this study will be a task to do.

My study of photography for 9 years now rests on a word document explaining lines and values that make an image, of what defines value and what gives it form. My strongest attachment towards photography is the science of perception and seeing different forms of images may it be abstract or logical. A bending line can be beautiful or maybe for some a straight line can be more pleasing. Detachment towards this learning in the past is a task indeed.



What I think now is this my detachment towards colors and value evaluations will go towards documentations and capturing of moments, it is like going back to simple taking of pictures to illustrate something else rather than an image making an impact or creating meaning to satisfy the senses. The coming years I hope will lead me to a better understanding of the world around me as it is rather than creating versions of it based on my perception and ability to see in dimensionalities of expression.

I will see you in the future of what I can put on this website but as of now this website will be in a mode of detachment towards my theories and practice in the art of photography.

Doing photography seriously for 9 years ends up in attachment. Attachment in my practice of Yoga is encouraged but there is a concept called constant practice of detachment. Samadhi Pada 12.

“By constant, repeated practice by detachment these here cease to identify with.”
Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tan nirodah

In discovering the self the practice of seeing samsara or thought fluctuations as just disturbance to the self. Self identity becomes a part of life but not life itself. Constant practice of this leads to proper kriya Yoga.


Doing photography for years creates muscle memory and mind function based on the task of creating an image, this then creates a residue of attachment specially on images that has significant meaning and purpose. Doing tasks and deeds may it be appreciated or not leads to some degree of attachment and that attachment is kind of a false sense of the true self. The photographer is the identity created by this attachment. You are a photographer now because you have been doing yoga or kriya action towards creating an image. This by time tends to stick and creates a bulk of knowledge and wisdom that the self identifies with. Detachment towards it is now a task as the same as making it your identity.

Letting go of my study of photography from value assessment, space and color calibration and bending ideas to create an image is kind of a challenge but not so much for the initiated. In todays time it is healthy to have some level of gross attachment for it resembles a healthy life and a form to see as others perceive you as an identity. Now, letting go of all this study will be a task to do.

My study of photography for 9 years now rests on a word document explaining lines and values that make an image, of what defines value and what gives it form. My strongest attachment towards photography is the science of perception and seeing different forms of images may it be abstract or logical. A bending line can be beautiful or maybe for some a straight line can be more pleasing. Detachment towards this learning in the past is a task indeed.


What I think now is this my detachment towards colors and value evaluations will go towards documentations and capturing of moments, it is like going back to simple taking of pictures to illustrate something else rather than an image making an impact or creating meaning to satisfy the senses. The coming years I hope will lead me to a better understanding of the world around me as it is rather than creating versions of it based on my perception and ability to see in dimensionalities of expression.

I will see you in the future of what I can put on this website but as of now this website will be in a mode of detachment towards my theories and practice in the art of photography.

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