What is karma? Karma is causality. Many people believe that karma is judgement from the lord or deity, but it is not. Karma is basically the observed reality of effects based on causes. Let us go into a probable past where nomads were studying the map of the plains and trying to navigate the best place for food. The nomads will certainly make mistakes but committing a lot of mistakes leads to the tribes suffering or even death. To solve this problem one great sage, prophet or thinker will establish a form of notation or record keeping on what actions result to what effect, such writings and record keeping is like a book of karma.
Example :
Do not leave big fires unattended. Why? Animals might stroll around and spread fire throughout the village or tents.
Do not go deep in the forest without enough resources and weapons such as machetes or blades. Why? Harmful animals and natural elements might hinder you from coming back to the tribe.
Thus, these things are karmic patterns. What you do is what you get. In a popular sense. “What you put out is what you receive.”, another form of karma in a more subtle rather than gross form.
Let us define karma based on modern definitions.
“Karma is a concept of action, work or deed, and its effect or consequences. In Indian religions, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect):”
So, karma is basically cause and effect, now let us dive into the mastery or understanding of karma in an adept perspective. Knowing karma is just understanding Bad == Bad and Good == Good . Knowing this results in an intuitive knowing on what and not what to do. The Torah or bible is a good book to understand karma. The experiences of the people of God, the 12 tribes have been through enough causes to know enough effects to survive for millennia. Some texts even know good karma as per the proverbs of Solomon. The manuscript of good karma and bad karma in a book. The maturity of the person reading will understand karma in a deeper sense when they read a karmic book such as the bible, fairytales, puranas and even silly stories from the streets is a story about karma. All tales kept, preserved and passed on is a story of karma. Knowing most stories and reading most books that gives a moral lesson is a book about karma. Even tragedies are warning books of bad karma. Understanding karma this way will make you see that publishing of texts and media is based purely on spreading the word of karma.
An adept in karma need not experience all the bad karma and hardships of the world. They need only to be open to hear, see and listen. Appreciate all the publishers in the world that spread the stories of karma from the past till today. It keeps us alive.
The book of karma is all our collective experiences leading to wellbeing, may it be a bad karmic book of sinister origin or a saintly tale of a devoted Christian. It is my intention and the intention of all writers and poets to keep the tradition of spreading the good news of karmic life, alive and preserved and without it we might go extinct. Keep reading the books people publish, it could be about something bad, a karmic tragedy or something good like a tale of grace, victory and luck. Keep seeing, reading and hearing the society of karmic preachers. The writers and the poets, the film makers and the songwriters and the lawmakers and philosophers. They are all part of the society of karma. The society of causality keeping the writings and tales of survival and triumph alive since the birth of the first monkey man.