Time Travel and Space Time : Study Pranic transference.


Time can be travelled in prana entering into space vacuum transferring to a point in space time.

Example 2020 energy entering into a void point in space time transfers to void space time 2023 and exits into a meditative body 2023. In meditation time travel can happen.

The movement in time as per 2020 is based on hours to years in pranic transfer. (3 years)

The prana from the past will stay in the body future till completion of accumulated experience.

Hours of meditation is equal to years of movement and acceleration in time space.

Example: 6 hours meditation with sense of 20 minutes waking state with lost time experience is time anomaly experience of most meditators. Time depends on length of meditation.

6 hours time is equal to approximate 10 – 12 years.

Return of prana from travel is achieved by future meditation of the future self. Willing the return of prana back to the time traveller. 2023 – 2020.

Time travel is possible in the mind adding prana materializes time travel partially.

Bindu to pranic experience to body experience.

THEORY T1: If you materialize time travel it collapses timelines for the body is transferred to another body location as mergence, it is a one way ticket and certainty of lost time. Just like sleep. Materializing it omits the time traveller body and just transfers the body to a future body with lost time and a probable death of traveller body and again collapsing of the timeline.

Time matter mergence is a form of time travel. Teleportation is also a form of time travel. Negating variables in a environment is safest time travel scenario. 1:1 environment is safest teleportation. Less variables the better like sleep. Light speed is best with less variables.

Quantum Fluctuations by time mergence and separation is to be studied time loops are a lot in earth society 2023.


Let us label time based on experienced time and unexperienced time(lost time).

Example: et = 20 minutes experienced meditation
net = 3 hours experienced and not experienced meditation
lt = 2 hours and 40 minutes Lost time.

net – et = lt

The feeling of 20 minutes turns into 3 hours but with 20 minutes of recollection. Total lost time is the unexperienced part of total meditation time.

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