In the cults of today there are many death cults around that teaches us the embracing of the state of death or the non-existent state. Here I would like to dive deep in states of death as negation of previous states I call the 7 deaths. Warning these states are dangerous and can cause mental illness and suffering. To enter these states of mind should be only done by an experienced meditator or magus, wizard or witch.
As a magician you enter into initiation from the fool card then to the realms of magick or the magician, willing by imagination and energy. The secrets to enter the magicians realm in my experience was achieved by the teachings of Frabato. I recommend Hermetic study in ascending consciousness towards the realm of wizards and mages. The first death is the death of the magician or the magus renunciation of magickal quality to explore necromancy. Here you are entering the realms of the Devil his tempt and domains. The foothold of higher knowledge the descend into religious confusion. To die as a mage is to omit the qualities of nature that was energized by the will and the study of geometry. Ending each point thus descend the magus to the geometry and trigonometry of religion. The sealing of faith, the experience of guided evolution. All mages come to religious confusion for all faiths lead to the maturity of thy arts and sciences. Divine and Holy. Descending is of the dead and thy arts of the Devil and Lucifer. Religions is infested by the tempts of the devil the foothold of understanding and knowing by faith.
Religion and faith is important for man for without it there is no guide in living life. God has provided us with enough Prophets and Sages to teach us the ways of the heavens and how we should live on earth. Omitting this in your life like most people, end up by the claws of temptation and the Devil. Dying in faith as most Satanist do enter this state of death. In this world freedom is partially felt for there is no God to state what is wrong and right, there is no ritual required to clean us of sin and what is left is conscience and a sense of local virtue stated by experience and the notions of the intellectual man. All religions will appear foolish and traditionally ignorant. The man now starts the arrogance of stating the ways of man based on his own foolish capability to live.
In life without God the moment of virtue vanishes into points of memory. Stealing starts to become a virtue to feed the hungry and killing starts to be a virtue to protect the oppressed. Conscience is no longer universal but becomes cultural and social. All diminishes in time as kept by the authorities of it. Good virtue transmuted into self-dictated wills and rules that works in a God forsaken world. Good virtue turns into Rules and conscience becomes conditional laws.
In an artificial world designed by Satan as for most people who reached the point of atheistic dominance where there are no more possibilities of truth in faith and religion but only the laws of causes and karma. The virtues of the world a ‘Man’. He dictates and forms rules even the laws of secularism and governments starts to appear lesser by the ‘Man’s dictates. This is the gift of the devil your own world , your rules and the qoute that says “The world is yours!” is the gift. A man starts to cling not to discipline but to senseless actions that leads to an artificial outcome based on artificial designs. A bliss state for the neglected. Most drug addicts abandon the world and enter this domain and forget about God, religion and philosophies and create their own versions of life. I as a former Luciferian lived this life and I guarantee that the delusion is grand. The descent continues.
In a world of artificial Kings and Queens , Lords and Presidents. The key goal to reach heavenly ecstasy is by pleasure and desire. This is the start of the false riches of Satan the accumulation of wealth and riches beyond compare even though it is full of comparison in an elevated point of view. You cannot compare my collection of sportscars and mansions to anything but how many are them who does claim that? In their own worlds. The cult realized true to the intoxicated. A temptation hard to resist in the brilliance of Gold and Luxury. An immortal sense to an immortal path to suffering. How many atheistic rich people claim sadness in the vastness of their influence and wealth. I shall not answer for most claim no sadness but some do. Why??? is this? Intoxication is forbidden greatly in the world of the living, but not here. The answer??
Numbness and comparison. A person numb and intoxicated no longer feel suffering. This phase of descent into hell is very tricky, Honestly this temptation and philosophy of the Devil is highly popular and is genius. How can it lead to suffering when there are none to be felt intoxicated by the substance of ignorance and delusion descending further into the grand world of insanity. Numb of pain and conscience, feeling null of hatred and love, a sociopathic vanity of some sorts preparing the consciousness of man to guard the hell pits of Satan without complain. The gift of numbness contradictory to the gift of relief and peace. It is indeed tricky to discern, many Satanist such as myself have been captured by this. Going further down the rabbit hole will surely lead you to a very long and enduring path to salvation.
In the height of this state of deaths you will be finding yourself exalted in your own world with disregard towards what is real. I triumphant king bragging numb of his accomplishments fueled by foundational desires and habitual actions. The contemplative suicide of the self seeking joy and love inside his own self empty of it. The only death to go towards is to destroy all delusions and ignorance but in a far proximity of wisdom and truth. The doors of Hell is near and Satan ready to grab you as easy as he led you down to this point. Will you kill yourself? or will you further join the club of numb? What is on the otherside many think? to die or not to die? looking upto the heavens no God is there, how can you be saved? Crowded you are of atheistic kings, probable Satanic men and angry demigods.
Empty of worlds and designs you and Satan will be in a point of having a conversation. Where will you be in the future? Hell is sure to come, enough sin you have gained to attain death, another death I mean will you join him down in Hell or try to climb your way up by repentance, is there still a chance of salvation your mind intoxicated tries to think. In the end, exhaustion will follow you and the only way to take away confusion of mind is to void all dogmas even Satan himself. You no longer believe in God nor the Devil it is only truth of your existence. At this point the worlds and designs you have will be abolished all dogmas will be cleared out you will blank and looking and rejecting Satan inside his own frontyard.
Now empty and void you will wander the worlds empty of understanding to distance from the truths of the world and seeing your formers self in the worlds of others you contemplate and preach “It is not worth it, I am now poor.” Many fallen Kings say this as a wandering fool. The body is the only thing left without pain and suffering and without pleasure, dumb and numb walking, awake of the truths of descent. Satan waiting for you to take your own life easily as he is to take for the numbness of life is overwhelming. The former King wanders given up his kingdom aiming to find joy and salvation from the position of rehearsed numbness. A point of choice that leads to Hell and repentance. Only death left is the death of the body. What is on the other side? Many usually asks.
The end of mortal life is towards life eternal or immortality. That is the only end of mortality. It maybe the fruits of theurgical and good acts or the acts of selfish and infernal pursuits. It does as a promise lead to the same thing Life eternal. This will be controversial for life Eternal could be joyous and love or Life eternal punishment and damnation. The death of the body no longer is they key moment in a life a ‘Man’ that He must then decide to leave it and cross over to the next life. The hereafter. Reincarnation , birth and rebirth or something else. It is at this moment of living that all is remembered. On the positive side, if ever you are to live in hell forever till your successors prayed for your salvation, Satan did train you to be numb of the unendless suffering of Hell, be grateful atleast at that you were deceived still with grace and pity. Hope and pray you remember God down there for visiting hell in my mental wanderings is torment sure, specialy Purgatory, that moment when christ Jesus is remembered and his suffering to be endured trust me Hell is not a joyous place to be. Be numbed and ask for forgiveness and grace and remember to pray even down there. If you can remember to pray even the Lords prayer.
Dying further in this state of mind is the glimpse of the Underworld, Tartarus, Sheol, Hell and Inferno. The sure path to death eternal and damnation as an immortal sinner. The reverse path of Eternal life the Eternal death. Most cults embrace this for Power and Money but end up lifeless and full of suffering. The way to escape this path is to pray and meditate if you still remember how to and if Theism is still in your memory vanishing little by little. If not no longer you can’t pray and meditate the prayers of the living is your only hope for salvation as per the standards of the beings of the Underworld and Hell. The reverse path towards God is the resurrection of thus who died as Mortality, Body, Philosophy, Humility, Penance, Love, Perseverance, Morality, Faith and Initiation.