Detachment from my Photography Study

PHOTOGRAPHYY AND ATTACHMENTDoing photography seriously for 9 years ends up in attachment. Attachment in my practice of Yoga is encouraged but there is a concept called constant practice of detachment. Samadhi Pada 12."By constant, repeated practice by detachment these here...Read More

Studio Update and Self Portraits

I have some updates on the studio. I have added curtains and clothing hanger for wardrobe. I have also installed a full body mirror and a half body mirror for makeup and fitting. There is still a longway to go...Read More

3 Point Lighting Recap as an Idea

BANGING OF LIGHTLight touches another is like a union of sensations. A subject when touched by two light sources is like a good old delicious sandwich. 1 point or 1 source of light is not enough to make a good...Read More