Yoga and Photography

8 limbs of Yoga and PhotographyYOGA AND PHOTOGRAPHYHello, What is my ultimate goal in life? The answer to that is to perfect my dhyana samadhi in the ways of purposeful enlightenment. Why photography and not just be a monk inside...Read More

Japan A trip of Questions and Amazements

Japan Nihon...A very interesting space on earth. A land full of culture and heritage leaping with technological force. Seeing Japan is like acquiring a cube. A land with different faces. My family went to Osaka, Nagoya and Kyoto. I being...Read More

New Year FIreworks 2023

Happy new year everyone. 2022 was not a blast but a transitionary phase extending 2021 post covid paradigm to 2022. Now that it is 2023 the question in my mind is what will be this year? My plans this year...Read More

Fireworks 2022

It's been 2 years of keeping that tradition of taking photos of fireworks when the end of the year comes, my 2021 firework photos got deleted due to storage errors. I lost a lot of photos since 2014 and when...Read More