Taking photos with Flashes sometimes is a problem for some when you go pass 1/250. Why?

Taking photos pass 1/250 like this photo taken at 1/350 it catches the rolling shutter that thing that permits and not permits light to enter the sensor. Think film exposures. That will solve the problem. If the shutter doesn’t want light in it is closed, when it wants light in for the sensor(film equiv) it opens. That speed in sync with the speed of the flash will make a lot of sense.

Think the game capture the light and they have speed levels. The shutter speed level is faster than the speed level of the flash. If that is the case then the flash will not do its job of entering the sensor at the right moment, speed and the right amounts of light cause the gates(shutter) of your camera closed earlier than expected. If the shutter speed level is slower than the flash, then the light enters the sensor like a packaged delivered and aperture will become your friend to control the exposure.

The shutter roll is up and down to expose the photo so imagine when the flash triggers the shutter goes up and the light comes in but due to the shutter being faster than the flash hits the sensor in uneven ways, certain parts may be caught up by the roll of the shutter closing and getting uneven exposures in sensor.
To not get confused think old school styles of exposures. The light kisses the film and the film and the image is being printed using light on film, as the light is being graphed in a micro level on film the negatives are produced. If a wood is placed in front of the film inside the measurement of time desired for the exposure of the film then it will unbalance the exposure and get uneven exposures in the photograph. The shutter being caught is the wrong relationship between the measurement of time from the light source and the measurement of time from the receiver of light the film (sensor).
also remember the light speed is constant and so the measurement of exposures is being measured in flash as speed of shutter from light source rather than the speed of light. The Measurement of the flash dictates the exposure interval and in sync with your shutter speed it should work together. Being to far of its syncing will fuck up the photo.
Flash shutter 1/1

1/2000 will get you no exposure at all the 1/1 light didn’t pass through the speed of camera shutter. Camera shutter was too fast and flash shutter was too slow.

Just remember that a flash or strobe is functioning as a strobe and a flash it can only produce light per time rather than continuous light setups. It has its limits in terms of providing light in time intervals. If you want to capture moving subjects with flash it is possible but fast moving subjects require light sources not based on limited production of light. Continuous Lights then comes in handy at this area.
Concluding this topic the shutter speed of the camera must be able to get enough light for exposure and so calibrating flash speeds with camera shutter speeds is to be explored. Fixing exposures now comes with apertures rather than shutter speeds.