December Recital for Intermediate Flamenco Guitar

Sep 4, Recital Cancelled Due to Tendonitis and Lack of Prep Time

Practice Update Month 6

Hochman Books from Amazon

Sep 4 Recital Flamenco Beginner Level

My Flamenco Journey 2024

Instrument with a Clang Suzuki

Adolfo Numero 2 : Spanish Guitar

Just Images of Chivas Playing with China Lux Meters

Using Xpens Can I draw?

Street Photography by Whim. Winter 2023
9 Japanese Soldiers of KawaMachi (Marikina Town)
The story of 9 Japanese Soldiers in the islands of the philippines. One night the japan imperial armya sent 5 soldiers to guard the Base on Marikina under Japanese occupation. The 5 was supposed to be the only guarduian of the bunker in Marikina but there is a mystery over the order of Japanese Imperial […]
17 Teachings of the Echoes of Silence The Great Work
1 In fear a man ventures into the wilderness of ghosts and spirits downward its path and gloomy its halls. 2 The teacher of these halls are not of the living but of a memory of the past that must be remembered. It is karma that seats you to this place. 3 Bright is the […]
Invisibility Yoga Perspective Siddhas and Modern Crooks
Today we are moving in a world of psychic disruption that the world of crooks and criminals are in a party frenzy moving about the nations of parallel terra. The communist socialist side and the liberal democrats. Up the field of its influence is the Islamic and Judaic world view, below is the crooked world […]