Relying on Language to Survive

What is the purpose of communication and language? Let us dive into its wanderings. こんにちわ わたし わ 生き延びる する. 元気 ますた。 Will you survive the Japanese world with your english alone? Or will nihongo save you from certain despair and confusion? 苦し. MIND IN...Read More

7 Churches Visit 2024

Annually we visit 7 churches to pray or relive the way of the cross, the sacrifice of Jesus christ. We always go to the same 7 churches same as last year disregarding Marist School Chapel, I planned to take photos...Read More

Light and Imagery Inversions

My last shoot using the studio. Starting march 2024 I will focus on my Yoga practice and do less photography for the website. Thinking of a topic to discuss concerning imaging is the magic inversion. It came to my mind...Read More

Contemplating the Mindstate of Lovecraft led to Lens layering

One afternoon during the humid weather in Asia, a magus contemplated the horrors of HP lovecraft. Cthulu whispers "I await my coming and so I sleep and dream." Looking forward in the dimensions of perceptions of giant men and flying...Read More

Reflectors Softer Light

Using Reflectors and 50w Bulbs. Reflectors How nice are reflectors? It is very nice. softens everything that hits the subject. I got a gold luminous reflector and I want it to be shown on a photo. and so I bring...Read More

Valentines Day Special Beatin Heartz Baby

Blender Art 2 hearts in........... This Gallery is inspired by the day of Valentines and so I must take some photos of things about valentines day. I saw some flowers on the table maybe for my sister or my mother...Read More

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year Everyone. Enjoy my Fireworks Photos for 2024. Nothing special happened this year, just errands and stuff. Read back on my posts. Work for 2024 Proofread the whole website. Fix all Elementor to Wordpress widgets. ..........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ai against Man. A friendly Rivalry……

Looking on facebook I saw a page group that posts image processing content and I figured why not try it. The topic will be image restoration. Restoring image is not my thing but I do have enough knowledge about texture...Read More
  • El tiempo para Buenas

    El tiempo para Buenas

    El tiempo para Buenas Conmigo Conmigo Que esa problema?MI pregunta ? Porque razon contigo contigo?Mi mente La confusion Tengo no respuetaPor pabor por pabor ? COnmigo ConmigoEl tiempo para buenas esa es tu’| Mi habla en lengua es PocoPero mi fuerz disea es GrandesLa la la Buenas buenas El cieloTierra tierra como fuente la aguaEl […]

  • Ejercicio para Idioma: Titolo “Amigo De Pobre” La Historia Poco

    Ejercicio para Idioma: Titolo “Amigo De Pobre” La Historia Poco

    Una Vez a tiempo, el hombres caballeros en cuadrado piso. Los cabeza es puro muchos problemas. To tiene campeones para viver y altos viva. El hombres mission estemos cabeza puro fuerza energia de harmonía. El hombres cabeza es tienes capacidad de poder fuerza vive alto pero problemas es no pudieron y hacer porque tres razones. […]

  • 9 Japanese Soldiers of KawaMachi (Marikina Town)

    9 Japanese Soldiers of KawaMachi (Marikina Town)

    The story of 9 Japanese Soldiers in the islands of the philippines. One night the japan imperial armya sent 5 soldiers to guard the Base on Marikina under Japanese occupation. The 5 was supposed to be the only guarduian of the bunker in Marikina but there is a mystery over the order of Japanese Imperial […]